This department handles all matters related to the economic and strategic planning of the city, as well as the day to day running of the city's economy. The department administers grants and projects, tax, levies and other charges, carries out planning, budgeting and regulation in accordance with respective legal regulations. It carries out economic analyses, in particular the city's financial statements, and proposes new procedures and solutions. All economic transactions are done through this department. It acts as the appeal authority for decisions made by city districts and it is the body of the first instance for making decisions reserved for City Hall by its statutes.

Section for Financial Strategy and Asset Administration

This section handles capital and financial administration matters and related activities.

Accounting Division

This department carries out general bookkeeping duties for all incoming invoices and tax documents from other entities, city authorities, council departments, etc. It processes all matters related to revenues, expenses, funds, property, and foreign exchange accounts.

Budget Division

This department organises the preparation, processing and approval of the city's budget, and changes to it, and assesses the city's income and financial settlements and participates in ensuring that these matters are carried out.                 

Tax and Debt Collection Division

This department deals with tax administration and debt collection.